Tuesday, October 03, 2006

DARFUR HERO: U. Okla. student Bailey Cato

For Darfur..."She sleeps less, goes out less, and has reduced her course load to work 30 to 40 hours a week organizing student campaigns. Her goal: to end the suffering in Darfur, Sudan, perhaps the world's worst humanitarian crisis... From Student activists rise again - this time for Darfur; By Matthew Clark Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor.

""If people are still dying, I need to keep working," says Bailey Cato, a University of Oklahoma senior and a regional coordinator for a student antigenocide coalition called STAND...

"When Ms. Cato brought Paul Rusesabagina, the Rwandan whose story inspired the movie "Hotel Rwanda," to her campus last Wednesday, he packed the 750-seat auditorium with an overflow audience of at least 1,200 people. "We're young, idealistic, and we're horrified that genocide can go on in this world," Cato explains.

Do watch and admire Ms. Cato? Or shall we follow here lead? DARFUR: Dying for Heroes.

Home: DARFUR Dying for Heroes

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